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The rectal examination will include a series of enemas to cleanse your lower bowel.


I will be performing a full vaginal and rectal examination to determine that you are carrying no contraband inside your body cavities. Two bright spots of colour burned on her thin cheeks, and I had the impression that she enjoyed dealing with “bad” girls. Well, Miss Penny Vandenburg, today you will get a glimpse of what happens to bad girls here at this school.” She was smiling at me, her lips compressed into a thin, hard line. “Merely the fact of her reputation should have given you pause, child. “Miss Withers,” I protested, “I had no idea she had anything bad in her purse…I-“ What possessed you to assist a known trouble-maker like Kelly Martinez?” Her clipped, very British accent accompanied a no-nonsense attitude and complete intolerance for any sort of disobedience or display of youthful high spirits. Miss Withers was a middle-aged lady with a severe, pulled-back hairdo and a sharp-featured, well-made-up face. When the door opened to admit the nurse and her helper, I was seated on the end of the table as demurely as the open backed gown would allow. I was not even going to think about the paddling from the Dean of Girls, or the smacking I was going to get at home. Miss Withers and I will be back in five minutes, and I advise you to be ready when we return.”Īs soon as Julie left, I undressed with shaking fingers. Put your clothes in this basket, then put on this gown, opening in the back.” The first thing we need you to do is undress. We're just about ready for you.” She directed me into the examining room. She looked me up and down, from head to toe, as if she were considering the purchase and eventual consumption of a particularly delectable confection. I stood and nervously smoothed my skirt, trying to look non-chalant. She was “Old Lady” Withers’ right arm, and some rumors around the school implied that they were an item! “Penny Vandenburg?” she called again and her bright smile darkened just a shade. “Penny? Penny Vandenberg?” The nurse's assistant, Julie Strothers, a too-full of herself college-age girl with a bright, pert face and impossibly blonde hair, was beckoning. What could the nurse have done to upset her so? Then, I heard my own name called from the inner office. I went from nervous to terrified, for it was a well-known “fact” at school that Kelly had withstood numerous paddlings (it was rumored, even bare-bottomed paddlings) and sessions with the strap or even the cane without so much as a tear. She didn't even look at me as she passed where I sat. I had been waiting a very long time when Kelly Martinez emerged. None of the few unlucky girls who had made such a trip to the nurse ever talked about it, but there were rumors. I knew a paddling was at least part of the punishment, but that came later, after a mysterious visit with the school nurse. I had heard all sorts of scary rumors about what happens to girls who are caught with contraband. She had gone to see the nurse just an hour and a half ahead of me. Not that Kelly was getting away with anything, either. How was I to know about bathroom raids…or purse searches…or the consequences of having contraband, such as cigarettes, or condoms, or marijuana, in the purse one happened to be holding? Protesting innocence had been useless I was the one holding the purse, after all. I should never have allowed the school “bad influence,” Kelly Martinez, to convince me to hold her purse for her. I was in trouble, and I had no one to blame but myself. As I waited, I reflected upon my situation.

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I thanked her and took a seat furthest from the interior door. Have a seat right here, Penny, and the nurse’ll call for you shortly.”

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As she scanned the note - the source of my humiliation - my face felt even hotter as a knowing, yet not unsympathetic, smile flickered across her composed features. Wordlessly, I handed her the slip of paper, my face already flaming. I was nervous, and I must have looked it, because the school nurse's secretary was especially solicitous when she asked me my business with the school nurse.

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